Theses (since 2018)


AreaDateNameTitle of thess
Theory11/23Marcel WaldFactorisation: Applications in collider and flavour physics
Experiment08/2023Nikolaus OwtscharenkoDevelopment of a silicon pixel tracker for the measurement of the differential charm cross section of 400 GeV/c proton collisions on a SHiP-like thick target
Experiment05/2023Amartya ReyEnlightening a tiny difference: Measurement of top quark pair charge asymmetry in production at LHC using the ATLAS detector at LHC using the ATLAS detector at Sqrt[s]=13TeV
Theory02/2023Muslem RahimiSearching for New Physics in Bottom-quark Decays
Theory09/2022Kevin BruneAutomation of Jet function Calculations in Soft- Collinear Effective Theory
Theory09/2022Kevin OlschewskyPushing the Precision in B Physics
Theory10/2021Maria Laura PiscopoHigher-order Corrections to the Lifetime of Heavy Hadrons
Experiment06/2021John Kamal Rizk MeshrekiDifferential cross-section measurements of the associated production of top quark with a photon at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Experiment12/2020Philip RühlProbing the Sources of Gravitational Waves
Experiment06/2020Reimund BayerleinCoincident Detection of Cherenkov Photons for Medical Applications
Experiment11/2019Sara GhasemiCross-Section Measurement of t-tbar-gamma Production in pp Collisions at Sqrt[s]=8 and 13 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment
Theory06/2019Simon BraßParallel Adaptive Monte Carlo Integration and Vector-Boson Scattering at the Large Hadron Collider
Theory01/2019Zhijie ZhaoMulti-Higgs Production at Future Hadron Colliders
Experiment10/2018Philipp HeimannA test for the existence of protons in ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Theory08/2018Philipp BöerQCD Factorisation in Exclusive Semileptonic B Decays: New Applications and Resummation of Rapidity Logarithms
Experiment07/2018Amir Noori ShiraziTrack reconstruction for InGrid Chips for a Time Projection Chamber
Theory04/2018Bastian MüllerSeltene semileptonische Zerfälle schwerer Mesonen im QCD-Faktorisierungsansatz
Theory03/2018Aleksey RusovHadronic effects and observables in semileptonic B-meson decays
Theory02/2018Rebecca KleinApplications of heavy quark methods
Theory01/2018Farnoush ShahriaranSemitauonic B decay


AreaDateNameName of Thesis
Theory04/2023Dennis HeinemannStudy of e+ e- jet-rates in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
Experiment04/2023Kaveh KooshkjalaliDesign, Construction, and Testing of a Cherenkov Coincidence Detector for Proton Beam Therapy
Theory01/2023Christian SchneiderGradient-flow scale setting with tree-level improvement
Theory01/2023Daniel BuschClassifying the Flavour Sector in Extensions of the Standard Model via Froggatt-Nielsen Charges
Theory11/2022Jakob MüllerSchranken an Physik jenseits des Standardmodells durch Lebensdauern von B Mesonen
Experiment08/2022Chiara PapiorEvaluating the capabilities of the Pierre Auger Observatory to search for axion-like particles
Theory09/2022Sebastian EdelmannNext-to-Next-to-Leading Order Real-Virtual Corrections to Soft Functions with Massive Partons
Theory09/2022Anastasia BoushmelevQuark masses and the heavy quark expansion
Experiment11/2021Vakhtang AnaniashviliImproving the tttt event selection with Graph Neural Networks in multilepton final states at the ATLAS detector
Theory07/2021Sven MünkerAutomated Calculation of Soft Functions for Massive Partons at Next-to-Leading Order
Theory02/2021Gustavo Adolfo Lara-SánchezImpact of TeV Scalar Leptoquarks on Flavor-violating Higgs Decays: An effective Field Theory approach
Experiment12/2020Tim-Philip HückingPseudo Experiment Based Studies with RooFit of Fits to Events Weighted by the SPlot Technique for Application in the ATLAS B-Physics Data Analysis
Experiment11/2020Niklas SchwanImproving Four-Top-Quark Event Classification with Deep Learning Techniques using ATLAS Simulation
Experiment10/2020Anna BobrikovaPredicting the UHE photon flux from GZK-interactions of hadronic cosmic rays using CRPropa 3
Experiment08/2020Jan Joachim HahnMeasurement of X-ray photons using an INGRID chip
Experiment06/2020Agha Mohammad RazaDetermination of Background from Misreconstructed Electrons in t-tbar-gamma Single Lepton Channel at the Sqrt[s]=13 TeV with 139 fb^-1 of ATLAS Data
Theory10/2019Tobias StrieglEffektive Theorien für Erweiterungen des Higgs-Sektors
Theory10/2019Nils KreherTop-Quark in Vector-Boson Scattering
Experiment09/2019Subrahmanya Siddardha ChelluriA study of the sPlot technique for application in the ATLAS B-Physics data analysis
Experiment07/2019Fabian DünkelStudies of Lorentz Violation using Air Shower Data
Theory02/2019Markus SutaSymmetries in (Non-)Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Theory12/2018Kevin Marc BruneNLO calculation of jet and beam functions in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
Experiment11/2018Simon Franz EickhoffSearch for primary photons in the energy range from 10^17 eV to 10^18 eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Theory07/2018Helena HenkelOne-Loop Effective Action in Heavy-Quark Effective Theory
Experiment06/2018Nomin-Erdene ErdenebatMeasurement of the t-tbar-gamma-gamma production cross-section in pp collisions at a center-of-mass-energy Sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Theory04/2018Manuel UtschParametrisierung des Phasenraums im Monte-Carlo-Ereignisgenerator WHIZARD


AreaDateNameName of Thesis
ExperimentXX/23Daria LogesFilaments – Key Element to Start Formation. A Study on Selected Data Cubes
Theory09/23Jakob PfeiferStreuamplituden in der nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik
Experiment08/2023Alexander DoekerUntersuchung zur Differenzierung von Signalverläufen mit Hilfe von Neuronalen Netzen
Experiment06/2023Martin SchollStatistische Behandlung von Messdaten bei der Suche nach neuen Prozessen in der Hochenergiephysik
Experiment01/2023Noah SiegemundZeitsynchronisation im Nanosekundenbereich mit GNSS-Antennen zur Anwendung in autonomen Astroteilchenphysik-Detektoren
Experiment11/2022Nils Benedikt KrengelAutomatisierung und Integration von Qualitätskontrollen in die ATLAS ITk-Pixelmodul-Testsysteme – VI-Scan und Source Scan
Experiment11/2022Daniel BerkerMessung von Cherenkov-Photonen
Experiment10/2022David FritzUntersuchung von mono- und multivariaten Methoden zur Signaloptimierung am Beispiel des Zerfalls B± → J/ψK± im ATLAS-Detektor
Theory09/2022Daniel VladimirovThe Kerr geometry
Theory08/2022Linus HenkeO(a) Improvement Operators for the Relativistic Heavy Quark Action in Hadrons
Experiment03/2022Nico SpornhauerEinfluss von Lorentzinvarianzverletzung auf Luftschauerobservablen
Theory01/2022Marcel BoeskensNeutrale Meson-Mischung und CP-Verletzung
Experiment2022Tim AlhäuserEnergiezuordnung Photon-induzierter Luftschauer
Experiment07/2021Tim Lukas FehlerObservablenstudie für die richtungsabhängige Suche nach ultrahochenergetischen Photonen am Pierre-Auger-Observatorium
Theory03/2021Yan Paul HeinenGitter-Monte-Carlo-Simulation des Pfadintegrals in der Quantenmechanik
Experiment11/2020Nico MalinowskiStudien zur Realisierung der Feinstleiterplatine für das zukünftige ATLAS-Pixeldetektormodul
Theory09/2020Anastasia BoushmelevSpontaneous Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Mechanism
Theory09/2020Dennis HeinemannPfadintegrale und deren Anwendungen in der Physik
Theory08/2020Stefan PlettUntersuchung einer effektiven Higgs-Theorie auf Anomalien
Experiment08/2020Nils SchneiderSystematische Studien zur Photonsuche am Pierre-Auger-Observatorium
Theory04/2020Jakob MüllerPoincaré Coherent States in Particle Physcics
Theory04/2020Joel StröhmannMachine Learning Methods in Phase-Space Sampling
Experiment03/2020Daniel Tizian SteinigerAnalyse einer neuen Luftschauerobservablen zur Identifikation primärer Photonen in der kosmischen Strahlung
Theory03/2020Chiara PapiorBaryon Number Violating B Decays
Theory02/2020Christian SchneiderMetastabile Zustände im Wasserstoffatom
Theory01/2020Marvin ArnoldQuantenfeldtheorie bei endlichen Temperaturen
Theory01/2019Tim StötzelMachine learning of Monte Carlo integration in particle physics
Theory08/2019Joschka WinkelEffective field theory of the Higgs sector represented by quaternions
Experiment04/2019Alexander SchickeSystematische Studien zur Suche nach Photonen mit Energien unterhalb von 10^18 eV
Theory01/2019Daniel BuschTheoretische Vorhersagen zur Event-Shape-Variable Angularities
Experiment11/2018Sonja TimmermannStudien zu Qualitätsparametern der neuen Oberflächendetektorelektronik des Pierre-Auger-Observatoriums
Experiment08/2018Daniel KurzTemperatureichung eines Testaufbaus für den zukünftigen ATLAS-Pixel-Detektor
Theory04/2018Jens BorgemeisterQuantenmechanische Symmetriebrechung
Theory03/2018Sven MünkerNichtrelativistische Bindungszustände in der Dirac-Theorie und der Quantenelektrodynamik
Theory03/2018Sebastian EdelmannGluon-Streuamplituden im Spinor-Helizitätsformalismus
Experiment01/2018Silas RodekampIdentifikation von Wolken im Sichtfeld der Fluoreszendetektoren des Pierre-Auger-Observatoriums
Theory01/2018Kai Oliver LüttgenZur Dirac-Gleichung des freien Elektrons: Aspekte der Darstellungs- und Distributionstheorie